Our small sized school means individualised learning for your child.
All students have individual learning plans, and a differentiated curriculum aligned with Victorian Curriculum and daily one to one time with teachers. As a result, we also have explicit teaching programs for developing essential skills in literacy, numeracy and scientific inquiry, all of which progressively advance at each year level.
A unique aspect of the program is our WAVES Care & Leadership Program which offers age and stage related approaches to student wellbeing and leadership development.
Our role is to provide high quality state school education to all who want to enrol with us.
Students who for one reason or another are not recognised for their unique attributes and abilities thrive in our personalised, safe and non-threatening learning environment.
Langley Primary School has been providing quality state school education to local children since 1870.
We believe in giving every child the chance to learn unhindered by large class sizes, distractions, bullying,and strict procedures.
Only 10 minutes drive from Kyneton Post Office we offer a quiet, peaceful rural environment.
Our aim is for every child to thrive in our learning environment and to support this, our school promotes the following values: Repectful, Resposnsible Courageous and Kind
These values were determined when we developed our last Strategic Plan and School Council believes that they embody the ethos of our school today and in the future.